Thursday, July 7, 2011

July 7, 2011 Monterrey, Mexico Back2Back

We are finishing up our last evening as we heard to the airport tomorrow morning....early! The past few days have been filled with so many "pictures of the day." Hard work with cement pouring, roof repair and painting has been a tiring experience, but it has been worth every drop of sweat when we can see how much the work of 13 helps alleviate the work for the children's home directors. The experience here has been incredible, and we are so thankful to the Back2Back staff for running a first class ministry that advocates for kids and puts the mission above the organizational duties. This morning, Todd Guckenberger shared that 86% of the donations goes directly to the care of the children....only 14% goes toward administrative needs. This is a phenomenal ratio and shows the authentic stewardship of the organization. The passion and commitment of the staff is so evident each day. God has blessed this commitment to the mission, but the organization of the work has not suffered. What a blessing from God that he has blessed Back2Back with such strong organizational structure, while they continue to maintain a primary commitment to the work.

Many team members have learned different lessons throughout the week...but many lessons have been learned. We are all learning more and more that everything boils down to the relationship we have with Jesus. It's not about the ministry; it's not about what we have to offer, but instead it's about what God does through us and through our relationship with him. Going to the source of our life, namely Jesus, and emptying ourselves so that he can fill us with his living water gives us all "glory strength" to accomplish the good work he has set for each us even before the beginning of time. How often do we all rely on our own efforts to repair, restore, fix, create, and serve? In our own strength, we will become frustrated and self-serving. Let us all pray for Jesus to convict us of our self-righteousness and to empty us for his power to find a home in our lives...not just a room, but a home.

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