Friday, June 27, 2008

Winding it up

Sorry for the lack blogs but its not the easiest thing to pull off.
It's Friday and the week is quickly winding up.  Today one group will take the children of CLAF to the zoo, while another finishes up some work at the brides shop.

Tomorrow will be the longest day of the adventure.  The plan is to get up and debrief,clean up the house , pack our bags and head out around 1:00 to Abuja, Make it to the airport and get thru,then the long plane rides.  If I figure right in a short 32 hours from when we get up we will be back in Cincinnati.  Can't wait to see you.

Everyone is doing well and the luggage arrived on Wednesday.

A quick run down
Wednesday , we went to see a piece of property that the ministry  owns and got a vision of what the future might hold.  Thursday we placed the concrete in what will become a computer lab or IT center. We mixed 6 cubic yards( for those unfamiliar ,thats 3\4 of a load on a big cement truck) That's alot !!!  It went very well dispite the fact it rained most of the day , but the slab was inside.  

This will be the last blog, we'll call you when we hit the US soil , can't wait


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